What can I do if Paraview cannot open a single vtu file larger than 2G
Sounds like a bug, which version of ParaView are you using ?
I’m using version 5.11.1.The error message isERROR: In vtkXMLDataReader.cxx, line 410
vtkXMLUnstructuredGridReader (000001848911D250): Cannot read point data array “f_17510” from PointData in piece 0. The data array in the element may be too short.
When the number of control grids generates files less than 2G, such errors do not occur.
Are you using Windows? Try Linux or Mac.
Are you building Paraview from source? You can follow my instructions in the following link.
Thanks for this link.
@WenYuan Just a note that the above solution worked well for me, but it needs to recompile the entire Paraview in Visual Studio in Windows. If you don’t want to do that, use Linux or Mac. The bug is from a third party XML parse library in VTK library, which is a dependency of Paraview. In the XML parse library, it uses a compiler-dependent type “long”, which is interpreted as 32-bit integer in Windows, but 64-bit integer in Linux or Mac. Hopefully the VTK community can fix this bug soon.
Thank you for your answers. It is true that such a problem will not occur under the Linux system again. I didn’t expect the operating system to cause such a problem. Thanks again for your answer.