Hi. I want to write the entire fluent simulation results into paraview format directly (instead of .dat files that fluent originally writes in) while the simulation is running in fluent. Is it possible to do that?
Currently i am exporting the .dat files in ensight-gold format after the fluent simulation has ended but it is not very efficient because some features like surfaces, walls, inlet, outlet are not getting exported. Is there a solution to the above problems? thanks
Hello @scabo,
I don’t think Fluent can directly output a ParaView (or vtk) file, I know that it is possible to link a fluent simulation with ParaView in In Situ with Catalyst2 but it seems complex and overkill in your case.
maybe @Francois_Mazen, @caitlin.ross can have some inputs?
Hi. If i try to export into gold-ensight format it just exports the interior domain as the surface. It does not export the surfaces such as walls, outlet, inlet into paraview format. Any workaround on this so i can export the data on all surfaces into Paraview format?
Lucas, can you point me to documentation about linking a Fluent simulation with Catalyst2? I’d be interested in exploring that use case. (I am not the OP.)
Aniruddha, you’re probably going to have to contact Ansys support for help in getting Fluent to output other data formats or broader scope for EnSight Gold format.
Hi Sean,
During ParaView User Day Europe 2024, Eramet’s folk did present their Catalyst2 adaptor for Fluent, by using User Defined Function (UDF). Their code is not public, but I can introduce you to them if you are interested.
Yes, François, that would be appreciated!