Problem: If a user wants to create a layout of views that are divisible by two, it’s quite simple to get an even distribution of these views using the split icons:
However, if the user wants a layout of say, three images, it’s quite onerous to do so. Also, there have been a handful of times where I’ve accidentally moved the dividing line between a “power of two” layout and it’s painful to get back to an even distribution again.
For example, here’s me trying to use the GUI to make a 1x3 layout of results:
I’m then left with either dragging the dividing lines back and forth to get close to an even distribution, or I’ve got to load up a Python shell and run a trace command in order to script this.
Proposed Feature:
Some functionality in ParaView that does one or more of the following:
Lets the user specify the relative width & height for each view in a layout,
Lets the user add a “dimension constraint” between two or more views to set one or more of their dimensions to be equal.
Lets the user select multiple contiguous views and distribute [horizontally | vertically] similar to PowerPoint.
Dear Cory, thanks for this feature. I wonder if there is a python command for this Equalize Views? It seems this command is not available to be traced in the ParaView GUI.
Thanks in advance.