Announcing the release of ParaView Glance

Announcing the release of ParaView Glance. ParaView Glance brings together the latest web technologies for interactive scientific data visualization in your browser. It can be launched from web pages or from your desktop to quickly view volume rendered images, geometries, molecules, and much more.

Kitware is committed to providing long-term support for ParaView Glance. It builds upon years of scientific visualization experience at Kitware. It is part of Kitware’s ParaView platform, as a lightweight, stand-alone, web-based visualization application that compliments the powerful desktop and web-based tools already provided by ParaView for high-performance computing. Several sample datasets are included with ParaView Glance.

For more details see the full announcement blog at

Any chance it will eventually load Exodus files?

So, currently Glance is a lite weight viewer for vtkPolyData and/or volume data. for Exodus, the use case would be read your file into ParaView, process the data to produce slices, contours, streamlines, …, which can be saved as vtkPolyData. You could then share your results for people to view using ParaView Glance that uses vtk.js to render the data.

Skipping the ParaView setup could be possible, but there are a large number of details to workout (e.g., a Exodus JavaScript library or use WebAssembly with a C++ Exodus library). Thus, it could possibly be done, but not in a ‘let’s do it today’ manner.

It make sense.
however, could we integrate a *ToVtk online conversion tool that could use pvpython to do the conversion, allowing user to download their converted file and open it in Glance ?

With ParaView 5.7/5.8, you can export your scene to a *.vtkjs format that can then be loaded inside ParaView Glance.

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