Arrow direction - little proposal

This is such a little thing that I believe that it is not yet among the “feature requests”…


Looking at this screenshot of the “pipeline browser”, you see one filter that takes 3 input pipes and generates 5 output pipes. Once you know it is like that - no problem! But for me it’s not really “intuitive” - because the green arrows are pointing into the wrong direction.

Proposal: Let them point from upper left to lower right!

With this the viewer sees immediately that there is some “input” going from “req.con” to “Maximize…”, while now this arrow points somehow to “nowhere”…

I admit that there might be different opintions, so I post this just as a proposal. (However, since in my own custom application I have to re-build my own ParaView anyway, I am going to do this little change, just mirroring the bitmap)

While this is a very small change, I dont really see where that improve lisibility.

Well, with that changed direction, the arrow shows symbolically the direction how data is flowing: from some input data object at the upper left, down to the filter which is at the lower right!

The current arrow points just into “nowhere”. But ok, it is at least an arrow which may symbolize “something flows to somewhere”.

But ok, I do not want to insist too much - people may see that differently. However, the impression of “unspoilt newbies” would be most interesting! Which we both are not…

This is the same thing with turned arrows:


TBF I get your point now. However it only “makes sense” when you have a multi output filter.
If you have a single ouput filter, then the arrow would still be going to somewhere empty, wouldnt it ?

You probably mean: It makes sense when you have a multi input filter. Yes, that’s obvious!

But if you have only one input (and one or many output pipes) you get no arrow at all, neither “wrong” nor “right”:


But that is so trivial - you probably meant something else that I did not understand correctly!??

Let me explain.

  1. Single input : no arrows:


Very clear, no problem here

  1. Multi input, single output:


In that case, the arrow on the left side is not wrong nor it is correct, as the output is directly below

  1. Multi input, multi output


In that case, one could argue the arrow should go on the right as the output in indeed on the right.

Right - now I think I understand!

My logic however is unrelated to the output, but is rather related to the “GroupDatasets” filter:

  • First input is from “Wavelet1”, symbolized by a green cube, into “GroupDatasets1” which is to the lower right of the cube symbol
  • Second input is from “Plane1”, again symbolized by a green cube, and the arrow again would point from that cube to the word “GroupDatasets1”
  • Finally the third occurrence of “GroupDatasets” is for the output - one in this case, multiple in my case -, without any arrows: The output is simply attached below.

As I said: It is not really a question of arguing! One may see it that way or another way. Obviously different kinds of logic may be applied!

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