Create two structured surfaces and enclosed volume from point clouds

I have two point clouds imported from a CSV file with 4 columns (k, x, y, z) representing the topography and an underlying layer in the subsurface. The parameter k defines whether a point belongs to the topography (k=1) or to the underlying layer (k=2). I first want to create structured surfaces of each layer individually. Then I want to create the volume which is enclosed by the two structured surfaces and their edges. Unfortunately, I find neither an introduction publication nor a video which shows how to prepare a CSV file and how to import it into ParaView in order to get two structured surfaces and to calculate the enclosed volume. Is there such a documentation for beginners?

I can’t solve my problem with Extract Surface or Delaunay3D as suggested for a similar problem. From introduction documents I’ve found (e. g. Public Wiki or other sources like videos) and I can’t derive how to properly write the content of a CSV file in order to define more than 1 cell with the desired topology (i. e. the desired connections between the nodes).

Use table to structured grid ?

My attempt with Table to Structured Grid has not been successful. The meshes were chaotic. I haven’t been able to derive how the nodes have to be written to the CSV file so that a correct grid structure will result. Is there an example how to write a CSV file for a structured grid (preferably with more than 2 nodes in each direction)?

Here you go:

testCSV.pvsm (165.8 KB) testCSV.csv (2.4 MB)

Thank you. The example is applicable as it is. Unfortunately, I can’t derive from the example CSV file how its content is ordered in rows. This I’d like to know so I understand the basics of how to organize the content of a CSV file for import into ParaView.

I now understand. There are two mistakes in my CSV file:

  1. The spacing is regular in each direction, however differs for each direction: dx = 2, dy = 1.
  2. Not all nodes were given in the CSV file - only the ones with a z-value not NULL.

The stackoverflow-solution explains how to deal with the CSV file.

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