Help translate ParaView so we can enable your language!

Bom dia! Guten Tag! こんにちは! Bonjour! :wave:

We need your help translating ParaView! :index_pointing_at_the_viewer:

The translation effort has been going slowly these last few months, but we are slowly getting closer to the threshold to enable some languages in the ParaView binary release! :globe_with_meridians:

Languages that manage to get their main “UI Component” translated and 20% translation overall could be enabled!

So if you speak :flag_fr: French :flag_fr:, :brazil: Portugese (Brazil) :brazil: , :flag_de: German :flag_de:, or :flag_jp: Japanese :flag_jp:, please consider helping us translate ParaView. We can get there together.


Can we also add a turkish language?

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Hi @fatih_sen

Thanks for the feedback, we will consider this :slight_smile:

FYI: I volunteer to carry out the Turkish translation if it gets added.

@Kutalmis_Bercin @fatih_sen

Turkish has just been added!

(@berkgeveci FYI :slight_smile: )

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I got quite sick this week, but I’ll fulfill my promise once I recover. Many thanks for your contributions to ParaView!

No worries!

During the last week, for some reason, Firefox 128.0 has been unable to connect to the server at in my computer. Would anybody mind confirming if this issue exists?

It was down for me last evening (Eastern time) but appears to be back up now. Checked with both Chrome and Safari on macOS.

Thanks for your reply. I have still no access to the website. I have tried openSUSE Leap 15.5+Firefox 126.0.1 (64-bit), Android 14+Firefox 128.0.3, Windows 11 + Microsoft Edge 127.0.2651.74. All with different connections. I wonder if anbody else experiencing this issue as well?

Also, is there any procedure/possibility to push the changes via a git branch instead of typing the changes manually?

It seems indeed to be down, I’ll let you know.

Yes, you can contribute to directly but the syntax is quite verbose to contribute manually.

Oh no, I disagree; that’s a bliss :slight_smile: I’m gonna use that path. Thank you so much!

Ok, please create your own fork and create a MR when you want to add translations, and ping me :slight_smile:

It should be back for everyone now.