I want to create a “Global variable” in Paraview (I hope that’s the correct term for my case), called beta which is given by:
beta = 5*cos(6*t_value)
I can use Python Filter to create it, however, the result is a scalar field over the entire domain and from properties, the Array association, can be only specified as: Point Data or Cell Data but there is no None option.
is that the definition of a global variable in Paraview?
How can I create a variable that depends ONLY on Time? (Not cell or point data) then I can plot it over time without using the Proble Location filter?
That being said, I think that it should be possible to create single tuple field data arrays in the calculator and the python calculator, please feel free to open a issues on our gitlab : https://gitlab.kitware.com/paraview/paraview/-/issues
I have a follow up question though, where does “ t_value ” come from ?
I think Paraview provides a set of available variable when using Python annotation or Python Calculator. In my case, I have a transient simulation, so t_value is the variable that stores the current time.
I found this:
The Python expression evaluated during execution. FieldData arrays are direclty available through their name. Set of provided variables [input, t_value, t_steps, t_range, t_index, FieldData, PointData, CellData] (i.e.: "Momentum: (%f, %f, f)" XMOM[t_index,0], YMOM[t_index,0], ZMOM[t_index,0]) )
I want to use ParaView_v5.6.0 filter AddFieldArrays. I am trying to add field array data specified in csv file ‘Cell Data.csv’, but it is throwing error message, attached are images of input_dataset, error_message and csv file.
Any comments or suggestions will be much appreciated.
Add field arrays is not compatible with .csv file. You will need to open your csv file directly and then compine it with your dataset using the python calculator.
Thanks Mathieu. That I can do with python. I just want to see where this filter is applicable. Is there any other file format where addfieldarrays filter works. Any working example on using Addfieldarrays will be a great help.