A simple yet very practical way to debug pvserver with mpi and gdb.
mpirun -np 4 xterm -e gdb ./bin/pvserver -ex 'run'
This will open 4 xterm windows, one for each process and start the pvserver inside gdb. You can then place breakpoints as needed.
This does not allows to create breakpoints on all instance with a single command, they need to be repeated.
You can then connect to the pvserver as usual.
A great tool for performing this kind of operation is tmpi (GitHub - Azrael3000/tmpi: Run a parallel command inside a split tmux window).
By prefixing your debug command with tmpi as such:
tmpi 4 gdb ./bin/pvserver -ex 'run'
your parallel processes get attached to split tmux terminals and commands for controlling your debugger can be invoked on all processes at the same time.
I highly recommend it!