How to export domain from paraview to ANSYS or any meshing software?

Hello Kyoshimi,

Thanks for the reply.

1a) Could you please attach the state file containing “Contour Filter” as I could not find it from your previous post. Did you export the contour in STL format by loading Fluent data in Ensight Case Gold format?

1b) Also, my requirement is to delete the fluid portion above the iso-surface and to retain the solids as well as fluid below the iso-surface for meshing. I hope the movie that you have attached in the previous post would address it. I will try it. But, for that, I request the iso-Contour state file as mentioned in my query 1a.

1c) Could you please tell me how did you get the CAD model (geom.tin) which you have loaded into ICEM as shown in the movie of your previous post.

  1. For the scaledDown domain (where you have corrected Programmable filter): Yes, now I can see the mesh and domain in ICEM for the scaledDown version as given in the state file of previous post.

Thanks & Regards,