A beautiful little python function that Cory Quammen created:
Sure, here is a little function that can export the color map in a table:
def ExportPreset(lutName):
from paraview import servermanager
presets = paraview.servermanager.vtkSMTransferFunctionPresets()
lut = GetColorTransferFunction('dummy')
import vtk
helper = vtk.vtkUnsignedCharArray()
dctf = lut.GetClientSideObject()
dataRange = dctf.GetRange()
for i in range(0, 256):
x = (i/255.0) * (dataRange[1]-dataRange[0]) + dataRange[0]
helper.SetVoidArray(dctf.MapValue(x), 3, 1)
r = helper.GetValue(0)
g = helper.GetValue(1)
b = helper.GetValue(2)
print("%d %d %d" % (r, g, b))
is a string with the name of the colormap you’d like to export.
Evaluate and call this function in the Python Shell (View -> Python Shell). You can adapt the script to produce the type of array needed for the matplotlib