Opening fluent results in paraview

Is there any way we can open fluent results in ParaView ? I tried exporting as ensight gold case format and open it in paraview but end up with an error.I also removed the last two lines in the .encas file and the the double quotes but still get the same error. I used ensight reader to read the .encas file.

I followed the steps in these two links but it doesnt seem to work. Between I am doing a transient simulation and it has particle data.

please share your (unmodified) data.

sure will do

Works fine in ParaView 5.12.0

hi @mwestphal did you modify the file ? Also which reader did you select when reading the files ?

Would also like to know if you were able to open new.encas file which has the particle data

This is the error I get when I open it in V 5.12.0

note: I was able to open the .encas file

Unable to open file: /home/glow/data/tmp/solution_data/default.mpg****

This file has an incorrect path or is missing somehow.

I re-ran the simulation and opened the file. I am getting the following error.

Please share your data

Hi @mwestphal just touching base to see if you had any opportunity to look into the data.

I’m afraid not yet.

ParaView 5.12.0 linux binary release is able to open it, it does not contain particle though.

should I have to install the circled file for binary file in linux ??

Yes, you can try with it.

sure and thank you