ParaView Freezes on start - Windows 10

nothing “command not found” or “not an internal command”

My bad, windows release does not support mesa.

Are you able to run other opengl applications ? Qt Applications ?

You also could try to use pvpython and see if this fails or not.

Yes, but it did not was abble to run paraView. I got a solution, I downloaded ubuntu and started over in linux. It’s working pretty well, now the problems are on the operator.

Thanks for the attemp

I gave up trying it on windows. Do I have to close the thread?

Hi, guys, I am having the same problem, any help to resolve this. I am using an HP 650 laptop with Intel Pentium CPU B970 @ 2.30GHz processor, Intel® HD graphics adapter and 6GB RAM. What could I have done wrong?

Do you have an HD 3000 graphics card ?
If so your computer does not support OpenGL on windows 10. See here for more info.

@cory.quammen : that’s the 3rd user with this problem. should we mention that somewhere ?

Thanks I will check it out

I don’t know. We don’t keep a list of incompatible graphics hardware anywhere. Intel HD 3000 is pretty old at this point and discontinued.

Fair enough. This is a very common card though.

Try the workaround I gave on this other thread


I’m getting same problem. Windows 10, NVIDIA GeForce 1070, OpenGL installed. Unfortunately solution with mesa (opengl32.dll) doesn’t work. Tried ParaView version 5.8 / 5.6 Any idea, how to solve it? Thanks in advance!


Please share the bottom part of Help -> About.

Hi, I can’t click on anything in ParaView. Full screen of program freezes, there is “loading” mouse icon (program doesn’t responding) and after 5 seconds program closes itself.

Are you able to do the following ?

  • Open a terminal
  • Navigate to ParaView bin directory
  • pvpython.exe
     from paraview.simple import *
     info = GetOpenGLInformation()

It looks like, that ParaView (or pvpython.exe) doesn’t see any OpenGL installed

My bad, I forgot a line. See above.

Updated screen

That looks like a bug in Qt. Ideally, you would want to build ParaView yourself with different version of Qt to see if you can reproduce.

Sounds little bit complicated :smile:. I rather installed Ubuntu to VirtualBox and I’m using ParaView in Ubuntu (no errors there :slight_smile:). But thanks for your help!