Paraview Web : going forward

I have been away from ParaView for about 18 months and catching up on various changes.

I posted a question about my setup of a test cluster (eventually it will be much further away in an actual data center) which I was initially thinking of connecting to via a locally running ParaView session.

Instead of running ParaView locally to connect to the remote cluster, I recall there was ParaView Web but I read this post about the removal in 5.13

I see other related post but that was 2 years ago.

Given that I am basing my investigation with ParaView 5.13+, what is the current recommended way to connect to ParaView running in parallel (mpiexec) on a remote cluster from a web browser and how do I set that up that is in line with the development direction that Kitware is taking with ParaView (Web) (or trame) etc ?

Thank you in advanced.

Hi Nicholas,

Welcome back !

I guess I should start by explaining the removal of pvw in 5.13. So the reason for that change is to allow more deployment scenario than what would have been possible before. In other words, we are keeping the same capabilities as before while enabling new ones. The issue with the previous setup was that we were forcing a specific version of wslink (Python dependency of pvw and trame) into ParaView. So by removing it from the default bundle and enabling much more via venv you can expose various web apps that don’t necessary have the same dependencies.

For example if you want to see how you can run a trame app in parallel with ParaView 5.13, you can look at that blog post.

But no matter what, you will still have a routing question on how to get to your process running on your HPC from your browser. And unfortunately for that one, it really depend on your cluster setup and what you are allowed to do.

  • You can do ssh tunneling but what is the point to have a web ui if you need a terminal to define the tunnel.
  • You can do some reverse connection via trame but you will need some middle web service to do the relay.
  • You can use OnDemand and rely on their proxy infrastructure
  • You can integrate or create something custom specific to your setup and rules.

While I know it does not fully answer your question, it should give you some path forward. Feel free to reach out to Kitware if you need additional help or guidance on that.