ParaView with mingw64

I want to compile paraview for msys2/mingw64. I surprise that paraview is not available as an official pacman package.
Is there a way to configure cmake in order to compile Paraview without compiling vtk and instead using the official vtk pacman package (otherwise vtk is very long to compile) ?

Best regards.

There is multiple PKGBUILD build for ParaView, especially in ArchLinux repositories. If your question is why there is no ParaView package in MSYS2, you should ask MSYS2: Issues · msys2/MSYS2-packages · GitHub

Is there a way to configure cmake in order to compile Paraview without compiling vtk and instead using the official vtk pacman package (otherwise vtk is very long to compile) ?

No, but this has been requested for a while, see the tracking issue here:

Thanks @mwestphal,
I just created an “idea” post in the msys2 github.
The problem seems to be already identified and not very easy to fix… I don’t know if @ben.boeckel can/want to modify the existing cmake files to be able to use an external vtk package.

This may happen but doing it properly require an extensive work, that require contribution of time and/or money.