I want to compile paraview for msys2/mingw64. I surprise that paraview is not available as an official pacman package.
Is there a way to configure cmake in order to compile Paraview without compiling vtk and instead using the official vtk pacman package (otherwise vtk is very long to compile) ?
There is multiple PKGBUILD build for ParaView, especially in ArchLinux repositories. If your question is why there is no ParaView package in MSYS2, you should ask MSYS2: Issues · msys2/MSYS2-packages · GitHub
Is there a way to configure cmake in order to compile Paraview without compiling vtk and instead using the official vtk pacman package (otherwise vtk is very long to compile) ?
Thanks @mwestphal,
I just created an “idea” post in the msys2 github.
The problem seems to be already identified and not very easy to fix… I don’t know if @ben.boeckel can/want to modify the existing cmake files to be able to use an external vtk package.