Hello Guys,
This is my first post on the Forum, so I hope this is the right place to post this
I have been working with Paraview since a few years back (I started when I was in EDF R&D) and I have also a blog about FEA and a Youtube Channel (feaforall.com) that you might have heard of.
I started to do simple but effective training videos to teach Paraview to new users on Youtube and I got a lot of great feedback, so I am posting the playlist here as well:
Feel free to comment and let me know what needs to be improved
For the story, I experienced a steep learning curve with Paraview when I started back in 2018 because I wasn’t used to the open-source philosophy and using filters to process data. Since then, I have found out how powerful it is and I can’t recommend enough anyone to learn and use it quickly as Paraview is so powerful and can literally do everything…
I am interested to do more videos and contribute a bit more in this community, so if you have any ideas, please let me know, I am open!
–Cyprien R / FEAforall