Problem about paraviewweb configuration

I’ve been trying to help you, but if you can’t post the error message in the log file, I can’t guide you.

The log file you should look for is a text file that gets created in the “log” directory described in your launcher configuration.

If you want, you can stop the launcher, clear that directory and start again. At that point you should get only 2 files. One for the launcher and one for the session that just started…

Oh, I see. Now I can not get the log file screenshot, but i am sure there is no any error information in the log file, only a line of start running information.

Well, if you can’t provide any additional information, then I really don’t know how I can help.

I use the nightly version of Paraview for test now. Later I will try again and provide more complete information to you for finding the problem. Thank you~

Is there any update about paraviewweb in the latest Paraview 5.6?

Yes, many improvement regarding local rendering as well as some server side API improvement for a new app that will be unveiled at Super Computing 2018 in November at Dallas.