Hi everyone.
The other day I opened a post explaining a problem I have.
My target is to optimize the post-processing time of heavy CFD datasets obtained by Fluent in format Ensight Gold. As a first workaround, I thought of performing this task in parallel, by using different processes to read separated timesteps. I will continue working in this, but, luckily, I have found another way of achieving my goal which could be really useful: the static mesh plugin.
Since my mesh does not change with the time and my files are written in Ensight Gold, it seems that this plugin would be perfect. Besides, despite its limitations, in many projects I only need to animate some slices, so there would not be any problem.
As per the requirements of this plugin, it is necessary to compile paraview using the flag “VTK_ALL_NEW_OBJECT_FACTORY=ON”, therefore the binary release cannot be used. For compiling paraview, I have followed the steps described in the paraview repository, for Ubuntu 20.
I have successfully compiled version 5.11.0 with this flag and I can run it with no errors, apparently. For the plugin, I have used the easy plugin builder, specifying the same version, 5.11.0.
The plugin is also compiled with no errors. The problem comes when I try to load the plugin. It shows an error which says that the file “libmpi.so.12” cannot be found. Since I had compiled paraview with MPI enabled, I tried to compile it again with MPI disabled, to see if, at least, this error could be skipped. And yes, this error does not appear, but another does with another library: “libvtkFiltersParallelGeometry-pv5.11.so”.
I have noticed that these two files are not in the folders of my compiled version of paraview, but they exist in the official binary release for download from the web. Although the plugin should not work with the binary release due to the fact that “VTK_ALL_NEW_OBJECT_FACTORY” is not enabled, it can be loaded and used with this binary release. However, I have tried to read and Ensight Gold case and I cannot see any speedup by changing between timesteps, which is very strange considering the benchmarks described in page of the plugin.
So, at this point, there are two possibilities: or the plugin is not working well because paraview must be compiled with the previously mentioned flag (in which case I need help to solve the problem of missing libraries) or my Ensight files are not adequate for the plugin. Hopefully it is the first one.
Many thanks in advance.