Hello everyone.
I would to ask about the “spatio-temporal parallelism” discussed in these two posts:
First of all, I explain my case. I am working in a project in which I have a big amount of heavy timesteps. Normally, Paraview process all these timesteps sequentially, taking around one minute for timestep. The result is that it takes approximately 8 or 10 hours to get all the render images I need for making animations later. The bottleneck here is only to read the timestep, since once it has been read, all the filters and and images exportation are done quickly. As I have numerous cases, the complete postprocessing can take several days and I started to think in a way to optimize this process. As each timestep is independent itself, I searched for a way to process the timesteps in a parallel way. I count on a cluster with 128 cores and 512 Gb of memory, so I thought I could reduce the postprocessing time.
By searching on the web, I found the two posts I have attached at the beginning. Basically, they do exactly what I want. It seems that a group created a plugin in 2013 that allows to do this, and later in 2018 (the second post), the plugin was integrated as part of the Paraview GUI.
I have successfully proofed the process with Paraview 5.7, which is the one where the plugin was implemented, and it works perfectly. For doing this, it is necessary to create your pipeline, specifying the necessary images exports and click on the option “Export temporal script” of the “Catalyst” submenu. Later, this script is executed with “pvbatch”. My first question is:
- How can I do this in Paraview 5.11? I assume that the process should be similar but using the new way to create exports (“Extractors”) and saving the catalyst state, but the temporal option has disappeared from the GUI (or I cannot see it), so the state will not have this information. I have seen that the script used for this plugin in 5.7 (“spatiotemporalparallelism.py”) remains unmodified in the bin folder in 5.11, so it should exist a way to use it.
- By assuming that the process could be translated to Paraview 5.11, I have a second problem. As I have said, in 5.7 it works, but not directly with my project. In the process you have to specify the base name of each timestep file as it is designed to read each timestep in a separated file. However, my simulation data is generated in ANSYS Fluent and it is exported in Ensight Gold format, so I have only one file (the .case) with the information of all timesteps which must be read. Perhaps I have to create a different .case for each timestep?
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.