Where x can be r, s, or u, since, I can save the data as RectilinearGrid, StructuredGrid, or UnstructuredGrid.
The problem is: when I step over data in ParaView, it does not update displayed geometry for cases of RectilinearGrid and StructuredGrid. Yet, ParaView re-reads files, since Information tab displays correct number of points/cells. In case of UnstructuredGrid geometry is updated. If I load individual VT(R|S|U) files, geometry is displayed correctly. The behaviour is the same for ParaView versions 5.6.2, 5.7.0, and 5.8.0.
I the behaviour a bug or a feature? I would prefer to save data as RectilinearGrid or as StructuredGrid, since they have implicit connectivity.
The solution with “dummy” time step is interesting, yet I was not able to find in PVD documentation (https://www.paraview.org/Wiki/ParaView/Data_formats) a way to hide this time step (if it is possible at all).
Going from VTR/VTS to VTU solves the problem, increases file size, complicates code logic, but is acceptable solution.