Velocity vector field (not appearing) in Paraview

Please share your .case file and all files listed within your .case file.

This is my case file. I can also provide you with my StarCCM+ file if you need. (581 Bytes)

You need to share the following as well :

scalar per element: Pressure Simulation*****.Pressure
scalar per element: VelocityMagnitude Simulation*****.VelocityMagnitude
scalar per element: Velocityi Simulation*****.Velocityi
scalar per element: Velocityj Simulation*****.Velocityj
scalar per element: Velocityk Simulation*****.Velocityk
vector per element: Velocity Simulation*****.Velocity

My velocity is 19.7m/s in the x direction and reference pressure is 101325pa. I’m a complete newbie to Paraview so excuse me if I misunderstand.

You need to share the files i listed. Take a look into your files, it should contains files looking like that.

Ah you need the export variables! Sorry, find them attached. I have another file named .geo is this required too? It exceeds the upload limit size.

Simulation00000.Velocityj (922.0 KB) Simulation00000.Velocityk (922.0 KB) Simulation00000.VelocityMagnitude (922.0 KB) Simulation00000.Velocityi (922.0 KB) [Simulation00000.Velocity|attSimulation00000.Pressure (922.0 KB) achment]
Simulation00000.Velocity (2.7 MB)

I just want to share this image, this is something that I am trying to achieve.

The .geo file is needed. You can share it with a file sharing website.

I hope that link works.

You need to give access, I just requested it.

Your velocity is indeed zero everywhere in the data you sent :

huh… that is really strange, I have just ran another simulation and get the result in the snapshot, I have exported the variables again if you wouldn’t mind taking a look.

Once again, you need to give access.

This dataset does contains correct velocities in the simulated domain, but nothing on the mesh.
Are you expecting some ?

This is my exact result within StarCCM+ where I have to construct a plane across the mesh to view the velocity, otherwise I should be expecting a flow field over the wing. I thought this was just down to limitations in StarCCM+, is this not achievable in Paraview either?

The data you provided does not contains velocity on the wing.
ParaView can’t invent a non existent data.

Yes this was my problem within StarCCM+ but couldn’t find a solution anywhere online, I guess the only thing left to do is open a thread on a CFD forum. Thank you for your help!

You might be able to use the Resample with Dataset filter to resample the velocity values from the volume onto the wing. Set the “Source Data Arrays” to the volume and the “Destination Mesh” to your wing.

Isn’t the velocity on a surface strictly zero in CFD, though?