WOIV'25: 9th International Workshop on In Situ Visualization

WOIV’25: 9th International Workshop on In Situ Visualization

  • Held in conjunction with ISC 2025
  • Hamburg, Germany, June 13, 2025


Large-scale HPC simulations with their inherent I/O bottleneck have made in situ visualization an essential approach for data analysis. Although the idea of in situ visualization dates back decades, it is particularly valuable on today’s I/O constrained HPC systems. In situ coupling of analysis and visualization to a live simulation circumvents writing raw data to disk for postmortem analysis – an approach that is already inefficient for today’s very large simulation codes. Instead, with in situ visualization, data abstracts are generated that provide a much higher level of expressiveness per byte. Therefore, more details can be computed and stored for later analysis, providing more insight than traditional methods.

We encourage contributed talks on methods and workflows that have been used for large-scale parallel visualization, with a particular focus on the in situ case. Presentations on codes that closely couple numerical methods and visualization are particularly welcome. Speakers should detail if and how the application drove abstractions or other kinds of data reductions and how these interacted with the expressiveness and flexibility of the visualization for exploratory analysis. Presentations on codes that closely couple numerical methods and visualization are particularly welcome. Speakers should detail frameworks used and data reductions applied. They should also indicate how these impacted the flexibility of the visualization for exploratory analysis.

Of particular interest to WOIV and its attendees are recent developments for in situ libraries and software. Submissions documenting recent additions to existing in situ software or new in situ platforms are highly encouraged. WOIV is an excellent place to connect providers of in situ solutions with potential customers.

For the submissions we are not only looking for success stories, but are also particularly interested in those experiments that started with a certain goal or idea in mind, but later got shattered by reality or insufficient hardware/software.

Areas of interest for WOIV include, but are not limited to:

  • Techniques and paradigms for in situ visualization.
  • Algorithms relevant to in situ visualization. These could include algorithms empowered by in situ visualization or algorithms that overcome limitations of in situ visualization.
  • Systems and software implementing in situ visualization. These include both general purpose and bespoke implementations. This also includes updates to existing software as well as new software.
  • Workflow management.
  • Use of in situ visualization for application science or other examples of using in situ visualization.
  • Performance studies of in situ systems. Comparisons between in situ systems or techniques or comparisons between in situ and alternatives (such as post hoc) are particularly encouraged.
  • The use of in situ approaches to experiment, sensor, and other real-world data collection sources.
  • The use of data-reduction or compression for information capture.
  • Run time ML modeling of simulation or data.
  • The impact of hardware changes on in situ visualization.
  • The online visualization of experimental data.
  • Reports of in situ visualization failures.
  • Emerging issues with in situ visualization.
  • Challenges in visualizing high-throughput experimental and observational data


We accept submissions of short papers (6 to 8 pages), full papers (10 to 12 pages) and lightning presentations (2 to 4 pages) in Springer single column LNCS style. Please find LaTeX and Word templates at https://woiv.gitlab.io/woiv22/template.

Submissions are exclusively handled via EasyChair: https://woiv.gitlab.io/woiv25/submit. The review process is single or double blind, we leave it to the discretion of the authors whether they want to disclose their identity in their submissions.

All submissions will be peer-reviewed by experts in the field, and will be evaluated according to relevance to the workshop theme, technical soundness, thoroughness of success/failure comparison, and impactfulness of method/results. Accepted short and full papers will appear as post-conference workshop proceedings in the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series. The submitted versions will be made available to workshop participants during ISC.

Important Dates

  • Submission deadline: March 9, 2025, anywhere on earth
  • Notification of acceptance: March 28, 2025
  • Final presentation slides due: June 12, 2025, anywhere on earth (subject to change)
  • Workshop: June 13, 2025
  • Camera-ready version due: May 16, 2025


  • François Mazen, Kitware Europe
  • James Kress, KAUST, Saudi Arabia

Steering Committee

  • Steffen Frey, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
  • Kenneth Moreland, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
  • Thomas Theussl, Austria
  • Guido Reina, University of Stuttgart, Germany
  • Tom Vierjahn, Westphalian University of Applied Sciences, Bocholt, Germany
  • Peter Messmer, NVIDIA

Website, Venue, Registration


E-Mail: woiv@googlegroups.com

Erratum: deadline extended to March 9th.

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