While I want a uniform streamline spacing, it is clear that in the behind of the cylinder, Streamlines are clustered and so close to each other. To achieve a uniform distribution of streamlines like the following image, I went through these steps…
create ‘plane source’ -> ‘resample with dataset filter’ -> ‘another plane source’ -> ‘stream tracer with custom source’ [from this link]
I ended up with this:
Okay, Here are is the procedure that worked for me.
If your simulation is 3D,
a) make a slice at your required position
b) Convert 3D velocity field to 2D velocity field using calculator (U_xiHAT+U_yjHAT)
c) Now Plot streamlines using evenly distributed streamlines filter
d) Select your 2D velocity field as vector field
e) Adjust start position such that it is away from cylinder body
Dear Dan,
I reviewed your settings. Yes, it works, but as soon as I change ,for example, “start point” to (-1 0 0 ) or “separating distance” to 0.5, paraview crashes and is suddenly closed. I have to mention that this does not happen for every change that I make, but it does often.
Could you please provide optimum parameters’ values to obtain a “neat” picture as I have included in the question?
Dear Sana,
To work around 3D field, I used a slice filter so that steps a , b are not needed anymore. As I replied to Dan, right now, my problem is obtaining a “neat and tidy” picture of streamlines. I want to know what do filter’s parameters work?( “start point” , “separating distance", etc). This way I can find optimum parameters to obtain a tidy image.
Thank you,
What version of paraview are you using? I use ParaView master, probably 5.7 RC2 would work the same.
Here is the picture with separating distance 0.5, the same ParaView state file.
Seems like in the picture you sent originally the separating distance is variable, so you won’t be able to get something that matches exactly.
Dear Ali, I did used the slice filter. I took z normal so to get a XY plane where to do the streamlines. Still go the error. I see after the calculator filter that I can choose for “showing” the 3 directions however the z direction shows values from 0 to 1.2*10^-38.
Can this be the reason, that is still a 3D vector?
Thanks a lot.
When you press reply button, a box appears, above of which are some keys like Hyperlink , Emoji , Upload… . press upload and attach your file. your stat file is not enough. Make a minimum sized zip file including stat and your case.
Dear Ali, thanks once again for your help. This is the case. I shared like this as it is a quite large one (around 400 mb)
I tried to do a 2D slice at z=0 with normal (0 0 1) and plot the 2D streamlines