what the use of “Scripts > Use as current script…” is
This option loads a file into the current tab, replacing its content. It is useful to load a script for a Programmable Filter / Source (shown as Linked tab in the editor starting with 5.11), without copying / pasting code. If you see bugs with it, do not hesitate to report them in details, either on this forum (with a new post) or directly on our gitlab bug tracker
Ah I see the benefit now.
I would suggest maybe renaming the action to something more explicit like “Load into current tab…”. Initially I thought that this option would execute the selected file because of the word “use”.
I don’t see what you mean by the Linked tab, nor I do see anything that indicates which tabs are related to my Programmable Filter. Since each Programmable Filter can potentially have up to three “scripts” it would perhaps be helpful to have something indicating which tab belongs to which “script”.
Nothing that I feel strongly about, just some suggestions.