Plotting streamlines for unstructured grid in paraview "ParaView-5.9.0-RC3-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit"

I do not see any issue with your streamlines.

Thanks again for your help, but don’t you think that the streamlines are ending abruptly in the figure (shown by circle), is that physical, since at that point the tangent at that point will refer to 2 (or may be multiple) directions of the velocity, I think that issue contradicts the fundamental definition of the streamline ? As you can see in the screen shot that I tried to increase the “maximum streamline length” to 100, but haven’t worked for me either. Also I would expect that the streamline would identify all the vortices in the flow. What you suggest/comment. Again I highly appreciate your time and help, thanks again.

Im unable to reproduce this behavior locally:

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Thanks again. This figure looks (physically) better than my figure, what you say? Could you kindly share the pipeline or may be the *.state file with me either by email or by the forum, whatever is fine with you. Thanks a lot for your help.

streams.pvsm (540.7 KB)

Using pv5.9.0

Thanks a lot, but unable to open this file in para-view, it gives me the following error, any help ?

select the case1.foam instead of my case.foam when loading the state.

Thanks a lot @mwestphal for your help, I am getting a similar plot as you have shown using your setting but I am surprised that the plot like the attached one if I change the seed type location to inlet of the computational domain. Both the plots looks correct and incorrect both. Now I am really confused, do you have any idea how to proceed further with drawing a “logical” streamlines around the hydrofoil?

No idea what that means.

Sorry for the confusion, I mean to say that out of the above two plots of streamline which you think is correct or more physical, since in both the plots the streamlines are truncated abruptly.

There may be some small computation error due to apporximation that makes the streamline goes out of domain. This require deeper investigation.

Another solution is to use the SurfaceLIC plugin instead of streamlines.

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ok, thanks for your clear answer. Could you kindly elaborate or could you suggest some link where this plugin have been used?

Using SurfaceLIC is a fine idea. If you still want to try to dive deeper into why some streamlines got terminated early, you can try to color the streamlines by the field ReasonForTermination, which the streamline filter adds to each stream to report why the stream stopped. Each stream will be assigned a number 1-6. According to the documentation, here is what each number means:

  1. streamline crosses the exterior boundary of the input dataset
  2. initialization issue
  3. computing an unexpected value
  4. reached the Maximum Streamline Length input value
  5. reached the Maximum Steps input value
  6. velocity was lower than the Terminal Speed input value
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@Kenneth_Moreland : When working with streamlines on 2d slice, I commonly get outofdomain (1) due to numerical errors, it can be hard to fix. I think this is the issue @proxy is uncountering.

I agree. I have that issue a lot with 2D streamlines, too. If that is the case, @proxy may try turning on the Surface Streamlines option if it is not on already.

But still, there is a chance that the terminated streamlines get caught in a vaccuum where air is moving slowly or not at all. It would be good to know that is what is happening.

SurfaceStreamlines works ok on non-planar surfaces, but is very bad on slice.
It should be reworked !

(I wrote this feature a bit naively some years ago)

Using your help @mwestphal and @Kenneth_Moreland I tried to create a surface LIC plot, which is attached herewith, it is definitely giving a very clear idea about the flow (attached herewith). But I wanted a plot in which a contour plot of pressure is there along with the flow dynamics (streamlines etc).

This may help you as well:

Thanks for your efforts, but since the mesh is un-structured so actually its not helping me…