Save Streamline animation WIHTOUT sliding over time

Hi there,

I managed persuading PV to show animated streamlines, for each timestep. That means that data are indeed animated without traveling over time domain. I am interested in saving a mpg animation for just 1 timestep, where the animated streamlines are sown.

Also, during the animation, streamlines should fade in/fade out and other features (slice) should appear (and disappear).

I would kindly need some advice on how to achieve the above.


You can use the usual trick of animating a clip offset over time.

Hi Mathieu and thank you for the kind feedback.

Sorry, but I am not sure I am getting what your point. You mean using the clip filter? Can you be so kind to elaborate?

I am enclosing a little video I made, to demonstrate.
Thank you so much

I’m suggesting to now use the StreamLines representation but to use the StreamTracer with a clip filter as described in the thread I linked.

Rereading your initial post I’m not sure to follow what you are trying to achieve though. could you explain more, maybe with a video or screenshot of something similar ?

At a first, superficial, glance I thought you were quoting my original post, but I now see that this is a different post and that there is a lot of material here to go through. My apologies. The material you linked, is a good starting point and I will take it from there. Thanks.

Rereading your initial post I’m not sure to follow what you are trying to achieve though. could you explain more, maybe with a video or screenshot of something similar ?

I want to “stitch together” different aspects of the data I am trying to animate. That would mean, the first 20 seconds of the animation could be the streamlines, as requested in my initial post. The following 20 seconds could be a slice of the vector or scalar field. All these “subsections” should come together, homogeneously, into one final animation video. Ideally:

|<------------video duration----------> |
|---- a --- | ---- b ---- | ---- c ---- |

a) is the streamlines;
b) is the slice and
c) is the overall picture of the camera orbiting around my domain.

This setup would serve to “narrate my story” to the target client.

Thank you very much for your help, for the link and for always replying so promptly.
Will post here, if and when I will achieve my goal

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Paraview can really only animate one “scene” at a time. You’ll want to create each one separately and save them as images (e.g. .png), then assemble the complete video in video editing software such as Adobe Premiere or Blender.

For animating streamlines, you may also be interested in this thread: Exporting Streamline Representation Animation - ParaView Support - ParaView